
Training modules


1) What is your gender?
○ Female
○ Male

2) How old are you?
○ 16-29
○ 30-39
○ 40-49
○ 50-59
○ 60-69
○ 70+

2) How many years of experience do you have in the field of art therapy?
○ less than 1 year
○ 1-4 years
○ 5-9 years
○ 10-19 years
○ 20 years or more

3) What levels of education have you completed? (Pick the highest levels of education/degree you have completed).
○ Certification(s)
○ Bachelor's Degree
○ Master's Degree
○ PhD
○ Other

4) What best describes your current job title?
○ A certified Art Therapist
○ A licensed & certified Art Therapist
○ An Art Therapist's assistant
○ Other

5) What best describes your employer?
○ Private Practice / Firm
○ State/Local Government
○ School or School District
○ Hospital
○ Non-Profit or Non-Government Organization
○ Company
○ I am currently unemployed
○ Other

6) Who do you think can benefit from Art Therapy?
○ Art Therapy is effective for people of any age. An art therapist works with individuals, couples, families, or groups in settings such as counselling agencies, schools, treatment centers, rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, correctional institutes, and elder care locations.
○ Art Therapy is effective for young people

7) Do you agree with the sentence “Art is a powerful form of self expression and is now considered to be a valuable therapeutic tool, particularly in helping to rehabilitate patients who are mentally ill or emotionally disturbed”
○ Yes
○ No

8) Art Therapy is the creative use of paint, pastels, clay or art materials to help people communicate and overcome emotional and mental problems
○ Yes
○ No

9) Where does your therapy session take place
○ Hospital
○ Day centre
○ Community setting
○ Other setting

10) Setting of work
○ Charities
○ Education
○ Family Centres
○ Hospitals/hospices
○ Private/Freelance
○ Voluntary Agencies
○ Other

10) How often does your therapy take place?
○ Once a week
○ Twice a week
○ Once a fortnight
○ Other

11) How do you have your Arts Therapy?  
○ Individual session
○ Group session

12) Which kind of Discipline do you work with?
○ Art Therapy
○ Dance Movement Therapy
○ Dramatherapy
○ Music Therapy
○ Play therapy  (BAPT/PTUK registered only)

13) What are the intended outcomes?  (tick as many as apply to you)
○ Stabilising placement
○ Educational attainment
○ Behaviour management
○ Trauma recovery
○ Building resilience
○ Improved social skills
○ Regulation of emotions
○ Attachment patterns
○ Confidence/self-esteem
○ Assertiveness/self-expression – the voice of the child
○ Improved personal and sexual hygiene
○ Personal safety
○ Life story
○ Sense of belonging
○ Cultural and racial identity
○ Encouraging creativity and participation
○ Reduction of risk-taking behaviours  e.g. self-harm, drug and alcohol, promiscuity, eating disorders, impulsive behaviours
○ Concentration and focus
○ Improved ordering/sequencing/executive functioning
○ Skills and talents
○ Supporting contact with birth family
○ Making positive choices
○ Expressing bereavement, separation and loss

14) Do you use standardised evaluation tools?
○ Yes
If Yes,  Please describe
○ No
If ‘No’  have you developed your own evaluation tool?
○ Yes
○ No
If Yes, Please describe

15) In what percentage of your cases do you think your work substantially contributed to sustaining or stabilising the placement.

16) Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your job/career in art therapy?


1) What is your gender?
○ Female
○ Male

2) How old are you?
○ 16-29
○ 30-39
○ 40-49
○ 50-59
○ 60-69
○ 70+

3) How did you get referred to Arts Therapies?  
○ By yourself
○ By a professional

4) Have you received a diagnosis?
○ Yes
○ No

5) Is this the only psychological therapy you receive?
○ Yes
○ No
If your answer is ‘No’, please state what other therapies you are having /have had

6) What is your level of interest in attending an Art Therapy program?
○ Curious,need to know more about the program
○ Interested and would like more information
○ Definitely would enroll in an available program

7) Do you know whether any of the Arts Therapies are available as a treatment option for you?  
○ Yes
○ No

8) If you did enroll in an Art Therapy Program what would be your preferred method of program delivery
○ Art Therapy
○ Dance Movement Therapy
○ Dramatherapy
○ Music Therapy
○ Play therapy  (BAPT/PTUK registered only)

9) Have you been able to access Arts Therapies?
○ Yes
○ No

10) If yes, how long have you been in therapy?
○ 1 month or less
○ 2-3 months
○ 3-6 months
○ 6-9 months
9-12 months
1 year or more

11) If yes, has this therapy been helpful?
○ Very helpful
○ Quite helpful
○ Helpful
○ Not sure
○ Not helpful

12) If yes, are you aware of any changes about the way you feel as a result of having had an Arts Therapy?
○ Better
○ A little better
○ Much better
○ No change
○ Worse
○ Much worse
○ No

13) How would you prefer do you have your Arts Therapy?  
○ Individual session
○ Group session

14) If you wish, please tell us in your own words what arts therapies means to you. Include any benefits and drawbacks. (Write as much or as little as you wish below)


Arth Therapy kit.
All the sessions include music.
Ist session.

Materials: paper, paints, wax.
- The group moderator asks about what we think an Emotion is. The ideas are brought together to come to a common and as complete as possible definition.

- The moderator gives a big sheet of paper to each participant and puts a box of wax pencils in the middle and invites to paint the emotion that is dominating the mood of each participant. The moderator gives enough time to finish the drawings/paintings.
- Each drawing/painting is fixed on the wall, creating an exhibition of drawings so everybody can see them. The moderator invites the participants to look at all the drawings.
- The moderator invites the participants to make a circle and to think about a gesture or sound they associate with the drawing and the emotion represented in the drawing. Each person makes a sound and a gesture and all the other participants have to repeat them. A useful advice in those cases is not thinking about the sounds or gestures we want to represent, but let the emotions take control and share them with other people. It is very entertaining and takes us back to the “childhood”.
- At this point the moderator asks the participants to split up into two groups. Each group has to make up a story using only the sounds and gestures that were created before. Words cannot be used in the story (but can talk to make up the story). The time for making up the story is 5-10 minutes.
- Each group represents it´s story while the other participants watch the play.
- The moderator invites to participate and write down a word or a small sentence that would represent the emotion or the image shown on every drawing. Each sheet of paper is placed under the drawing it describes. Each person takes the papers from it´s own drawing. Standing in a circle, the participants read aloud what the other participating people have written down about the drawing.
- Finally, the moderator asks to express the impression about the activity to the group. During the first session the participants are not ready to open themselves completely.

IInd Session.
A big mirror is required.
- The moderator asks the group to sit down in front of the mirror and look at themselves. At the beginning the participants have to move the upper part of their bodies to relax it. After that, the group has to stand up and relax the lower part of their bodies by moving it. During all the process the participants observe themselves in the mirror. There is a background music.
- In couples, one in front of another, participants have to use their hands and listen to the music to have a dialogue. The dialogue is performed by the body and is a continuous negotiation about leading and being led without dominate or being dominated. The objective is to communicate and synchronize.  For some couples it may be easy and for others it may be difficult to perform the exercise, but it is important to make it. The main point of the exercise is letting the energy flow, and the process is more important than the result.
- The moderator dims the lights (or closes the Windows), leaving the room almost in a complete darkness. She asks everybody to move and dance, and feel free to move and let themselves go.
- After a while, the moderator invites to make couples and stand back to back. In this position the participants continue dancing like they were doing before, imitating a massage of the back of the partner while dancing. The exercise is performed in turns, first, one of the partners explores the other while dancing and then the other way round. The main objective is exploring without thinking.
- With the room almost in a complete darkness, everybody lays down and dances on the floor, letting their bodies free and letting emotions flow through the movement.
-  The moderator invites the people to sit down in a circle and hold each other’s hands. At this point, the group tries to find a common rhythm.
- The room has to be lightened again and with the rhythms of tree kinds of music, quite different one from another, the participants dance to the sounds while the music plays.
- While people rest on the floor, the moderator invites everyone to choose a music from the three used before. The objective is to make up a story as the interpretation of the chosen music. If necessary, the music can be played again.
- Now each person is asked to dance to the music his own story individually and in front of the group. .
- To finish, the moderator invites the group to sit in front of the mirror again and repeat the activity performed at the beginning (moving upper and lower parts of the body to relax).

IIIrd Session.
Color-shape-movement. Materials: stars, plasticine, paints, paper, scissors, tape. It is convenient to have water and soap to wash hands after.
- The activity starts by relaxing lying down on the floor. The moderator helps the group to relax, explaining how to breathe correctly. The moderator asks people to visualize the emotion that is dominating every participant. To make the process more easy, the participant are asked to use their hands to form the emotion and feel it between their hands. The emotion has a colour and a shape. Slowly the hands become relaxed and rest on the floor, the visualization remains in the imagination. Thinking in a rational way does not help in this activity, it only blocks the imagination and the flow of emotions. Slowly, the group concentrates on breathing again and slowly wakes up.
- The moderator asks the group to comment about the experiences they had. Was it easy to visualize their own emotions? Have colors and shapes changed during visualization? etc.
- The moderator uses pieces of White clay and asks to sculpt the shape of the visualized emotion. After the necessary time to finish the sculptures, they are collected and exhibited on the floor.
- In another área of the room, a White paper should be fixed on the floor and everybody uses their fingers to paint the emotion visualized before on a common paper.
- Now comes the movement. The moderator turns on the music and asks people to dance, getting the inspiration from the feelings they´ve seen in the paintings. The emotions of the group are expressed as a movement and the group dances for a while.
- The moderator turns off the music and asks everybody to dance individually the choreography without music. The painting on the wall may be used as a clue to remember the choreography and can be read from left to right or from right to left.
- The last activity consists in dividing into two groups and building a story, using the movements, colors and shapes from the previous exercises.  Each group represents its story in front of the other group.


First of all, 2 members of the Association attended a course of Art Therapy.

Then We have made a Kit of training session for trainers: 4 sessions, 2 in July and 2 in September, 3 hours each one, with the aim of texting the Kit, for 4 persons.
We evaluated the training course by questionnaires.
For the last step We have planned to undertake the workshops with older people. To start with, we propose three initial meetings, with the objective to sound out the needs of the older people who are interested in Art Therapy.

The aim of this first training session is to improve and develop the art therapy instruments apply to social field.
We have planned to undertake the workshops with older people, due to ageing of European society.
To start with, we propose three initial meetings, with the objective to sound out the needs of the older people who are interested in Art Therapy.
We made contact with the Civic Centre of the district council of the Albaycín and with a day centre for older people, also of the district council. In the end no participants joined although we tried until the last minute to promote the event. However, we made contact with a social worker who advised us to go to a residence for older people where they would be certainly be happy to develop activities.
We made contact with the nuns who run the residence, proposing, to start with, that we run three workshops with the intention of getting to know the participants, their expectations, their possibilities and their necessities.
At the first meeting, we got to know each other; we were two monitors (Fadia and Monia). The activity was centered in drawing. Each drawing was carried out with crayons and was shared with the group, with the aim that everyone expressed their impressions, feelings and images with every drawing. We chatted about what each person liked to eat, to do, etc. Then they sang and listened to music.
For the second meeting, we decided to change the activity with the objective to find out other types of skills. We prepared picture frames made of reused cardboard, with the aim of decorating them with recycled paper. Each person made a frame with the aim of giving it to a grandchild or to put their favourite photo in.
In the last meeting we aimed to discover the colours. We prepared a sheet of paper for each person and red tempera paint; the old people were very enthusiastic about working a bit. First they painted in red and later in blue amongst certain things that I would like to highlight, in first place a lady who asked me to help her, as soon as she picked up a paintbrush began painting calmly. The difficulties that she had were more about expressing herself.
What did we draw? My advice was that they let themselves be led by the colour, and the sensations that the feeling of the brush on the paper gave them.
Afterwards, I suggested that they painted with the colour blue and I noted that much of them that before had painted lines and spirals now painted shaped that appeared to be birds. I hung each hung each drawing with the name of the person on the railings of the patio as if it was an exhibition…
The instruments used (drawing with crayons, collage decoration and painting) have had an exploratory function, in order to see the possibilities of movement, expressive capacities etc. It turned out to be very interesting to observe and share with the participants, above all due to the resulting satisfaction of the group activity.
They were very happy to undertake creative activities and this indicated an important need to feel occupied. Also, during the course of the other workshops, it was interesting to discover how each individual had their own way of expressing themselves; some more rigid, others more creative. It created a very warm and friendly environment.
To evaluate the art therapy sessions we have done questionnaires direct to pupils.
During the last meeting, the participants showed more initiative and expressed a great deal of enthusiasm to continue doing activities with us. After undertaking these first sessions we thought about some initiatives to carry out in the future.
One of those which we evaluated most positively was the idea of collaboration with an infant or primary school, with the aim of facilitating situations that can promote an empowerment of the people that live in the residence. In this way we plan to develop puppet workshops in heterogeneous age groups.
To this end, from the association Laboratorio Creactiva, the training of monitors is being invested in – by the means of a course about the use of puppets, a course of laughter therapy; at the same time, we indicate that in this project the contributions of a university investigation about inclusive education, dialogued learning and education for peace and interculturality have been influential.

In Spain it is not until 2000 that begin university studies on art therapy. The universities of Barcelona with a master led by Jose Maria Barragan and Carles Ramos, and the Faculty of Education at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid with the master directed by Marian F. Lopez Cao and Noemi Martinez are pioneers. It develops in the School of Psychological Practice, University of Murcia initial training in art therapy from Creativity and Plastic Mediation Course I: Specialist degree in art therapy: Applications in the Field Psychosocial, Health and Education, led by psychologists and Francisco Javier Corbalan Berná and Francisco Jesus Coll Espinosa. It is also heartening that are conducting seminars and workshops on art therapy at several university like in Granada where held a preparatory course some years ago and a in Valencia start a Master in 2001 were held 1 st Conference on art therapy and education, and in the academic year 2003-04 had been seminars at the universities of Seville, Burgos, Salamanca.
Also in Madrid, either privately, in 2003 the art therapist Elvira Gonzalez has begun training in art therapy, working from humanistic psychology gestalt. The master to be held in Madrid, Faculty of Education within the Department of Didactics of Plastic Expression, lasts two years. Its objectives include the understanding of art as a vehicle for improving social, physical, mental and personal achieve a global and integrated vision of the possibilities of art as a tool for growth and improvement and as a means of integration and development in specific fields ; knows the different types of disabilities and the social and psychological disorders, art therapy can be applied, provide a methodology for project development work and research for future implementation with people with different characteristics.
His broad area of application is both in the educational, social and clinical settings, but in Spain is not so popular yet. 


In Poland project was disseminated through following channels: Foundation website www.firrip.pl the information about the project was sent to the local institutions such as Public Library in Wieliczka, The school 'Mylacz' and Municipal Social Assistance Centres. The information was disseminated on international meetings in Romania (project meeting) and Ireland (contact seminar).
The leaflet and advert about the project and recruitment for the workshop were created and disseminated in Cracow and Wieliczka.

Polish partner organized training for social workers and trainers on 24th August in Public Library in Wieliczka. The training took 3 hours and there was 5 participants. The participants were informed about the project, its aim and activities. Then they were informed about the aim of the training and how to use it in their work. All the participants were satisfied with the training and find it very useful for their work. None of them had a chance to participate in art therapy training in this form before.
The training for adult learners started on 8th October in Public Library in Wieliczka. Before the partners meeting in Satriano there was 3 meeting (8th, 15th and 22nd October). The last one is planned on 5th November. All together there will be 4 meetings – 1,5 hours every meeting.
The group contains of 7 people (6 woman, 1 man) around 30 years old, who have problems with finding themselves on the labor market. Participants have been undergoing different kinds of vocational training. None of them have participated in art therapy before or any classes that are supposed to develop personal skills through art. So far participants enjoy the training it’s variety. They also find quite difficult to open themselves fully during the classes. Working with emotions is something that they have not been doing so far on the training. The complete evaluation of the training will be done after the training is finished.
Learner have also chance to take part in English lessons which area part of preparation for the international meetings, in which learners will be active participants.

Art therapy videos

Assessment questionnaire to spanish learners

                                – ART THERAPY –


El presente cuestionario ha sido aplicado en un grupo de veinte alumnos del curso de arte terapia desarrollado en el centro cultural “Casa de porras”, febrero 2011, Granada. 

1) ¿Cuál es tu sexo?
○ Hombre
○ Mujer

2) ¿Cuál es tu edad?
○ 16-29
○ 30-39
○ 40-49
○ 50-59
○ 60-69
○ 70+

3) ¿Cómo llegaste a conocer la Arteterapia?  
○ Sólo
○ Gracias a un/a profesional

4) ¿Has recibido un diagnóstico?
○ Si
○ No

5) ¿Es esta la única forma de terapia psicológica que recibes?
○ Si
○ No
Si has contestado no, por favor explica cuales son las otras terapias que tienes/has tenido

6) ¿Cuál es tu nivel de interés por participar en un programa de Arteterapia?
○ Curiosidad por saber algo más sobre el tema
○ Bastante interesada/o
○ Profundo interés personal

7) ¿Conoces cuáles son las terapias, dentro de la Arteterapia, disponibles para ti?  
○ Si
○ No

8) Si tuvieras que comprometerte con algún programa de Arteterapia ¿qué metodología preferirías?
○ Pintura y dibujo
○ Escultura
○ Cerámica
○ Danza
○ Drama/teatro
○ Música
○ Juegos

9) ¿Has podido participar en algún programa de Arteterapia antes?
○ Si
○ No

10) Si si, ¿cuánto tiempo ha durado tu terapia?
○ 1 mes
○ 2-3 meses
○ 3-6 meses
○ 6-9 meses
○ 9-12 meses
○ 1 año o más

11) Si si, ¿considera la terapia recibida satisfactoria?
○ Muy satisfactoria
○ Bastante satisfactoria
○ Poco satisfactoria
○ Nada satisfactoria

12) Si si, ¿eres consciente de algún cambio personal tras haber recibido el tratamiento de Arteterapia?
○ Estoy un poco mejor
○ Estoy bastante mejor
○ Estoy mucho mejor
○ No he tenido ningun cambio
○ Estoy peor
○ Estoy mucho peor
○ No

13) ¿Como preferirías tener tu sesión de Arteterapia?  
○ Sesión individual
○ Sesión grupal

14) Explica lo que significa para ti la Arteterapia. Incluye las ventajas y las desventajas que consideres (escribe tanto como quieras)

Assessment questionnaire to Spanish teachers 

                                – ART THERAPY –


El presente cuestionario ha sido aplicado en un grupo de quince profesores que trabajan en el ámbito del arte terapia y en la educación de adultos, abril 2011, Granada. 

1) ¿Cuál es tu sexo?
○ Hombre
○ Mujer

2) ¿Cuál es tu edad?
○ 16-29
○ 30-39
○ 40-49
○ 50-59
○ 60-69
○ 70+

2) ¿Cuántos años de experiencia tienes en el campo de la Arteterapia?
○ Menos de un año
○ 1-4 años
○ 5-9 años
○ 10-19 años
○ 20 años o más

3) ¿Cuál es su nivel de estudios? (Indica sólo el nivel más alto).
○ Bachillerato
○ Diplomatura
○ Licenciatura
○ Otro

4) ¿Qué describe mejor tu título de trabajo?
○ Un certificado de Arteterapista
○ Una diplomatura y un certificado de Arteterapista
○ Una licenciatura y un certificado de Arteterapista
○ Otro

5) ¿A qué grupo pertenece tu empleo?
○ Privado
○ Gubernamental
○ Escolástico
○ Hospitalicio
○ No profit o no gubernamental
○ Compañía
○ En este momento estoy desempleado/a
○ Otro

6) ¿A quién crees que puede beneficiar la Arteterapia?
○La Arteterapia es eficaz para personas de todas las edades. Un arteterapeuta trabaja con individuos singulares, parejas, familias, o grupos como agencias de consulencia, escuelas, centros de tratamientos, de reabilitación, hospitales, institutos de corrección y aldeas para personas mayores. 
○La Arteterapia es eficaz sólo para personas jóvenes

7) Estás de acuerdo con la frase “El arte es una forma poderosa de expresión personal y hoy en día es considerada como un instrumento terapéutico útil, especialmente para ayudar en la reabilitación del paciente que tienen enfermedades mentales o emocionales”
○ Si
○ No

8) La Arteterapia es el uso creativo de la pintura, pasteles, arcilla o materiales artísticos para ayudar a las personas a comunicar y expresar los problemas emocionales y mentales.
○ Si
○ No

9) ¿Dónde se desarrolla tu sesión de Arteterapia?
○ Hospital
○ Centro de salud
○ Centro comunitario
○ Estudio privado
○ Otro

10) ¿Con qué frecuencia desarrollas tu sesión de Arteterapia?
○ Una vez por semana
○ Dos veces por semana
○ Dos veces al mes
○ Otro

11) ¿Cómo llevas a cabo tu sesión de Arteterapia?  
○ Sesión individual
○ Sesión grupal

12) ¿Con cuál de estas disciplinas trabajas?
○ Arte
○ Danza
○ Drama/teatro
○ Música
○ Juegos

13) ¿Cuáles son los resultados esperados? 
○ Estabilización del paciente
○ Mejorar el nivel educativo
○ Gestión de la conducta
○ Recuperación de un trauma
○ La mejora de las habilidades sociales
○ Regulación de las emociones
○ Definir los patrones de apego
○ Aumentar la confianza / autoestima
○ Aumentar la asertividad / auto-expresión - la voz del niño
○ Mejora de la higiene personal y sexual
○ Aumentar la seguridad de las personas
○ Expresar la historia de su vida
○ Fomentar el sentido de pertenencia
○ Definir la identidad cultural
○ Suportar la creatividad
○ Reducir las conductas de riesgo
○ Fomentar la concentración
○ Mejorar las habilidades y el talento
○ suportar el contacto con los familiares
○ tomar decisiones positivas
○ expresar la perdida y el dolor

14) ¿Utilizas instrumentos de evaluación estándar?
○ Si
Si si, por favor describa cuales:
○ No
Si no, ¿has desarrollado tus propios instrumentos de evaluación?
○ Si
Si si, por favor describa cuales
○ No

15) ¿En qué porcentaje de casos crees que tu trabajo ha logrado mejorar la situación inicial del paciente?

16) ¿Hay algo más que te gustaría decirnos sobre tus estudios o tu trabajo con la Arteterapia?

Evaluation questionnaires 
First model


Your opinion about this meeting is extremely important to improve the actions associated with this project.
For each question please complete the circle that best reflects your opinion and make comments that you find relevant.
This questionnaire is confidential and therefore can not be signed.

Very Good
Not enough information / N.A.


Interest of the subject

Aligning content to the project theme

Cultural Visits about the subject

Cultural Program

Fullfillment of program objectives

Meeting duration

Time management



Meeting places

Support equipment



Comments (Suggestions for improvement)


Second model

Evaluación de calidad
Description: Text Box: Para evaluar la calidad del proyecto es necesaria su opinión como asistente, acerca de los distintos aspectos de los talleres en los que ha participado.

Los datos aportados en el presente cuestionario son anónimos y serán utilizados, únicamente, para analizar la calidad de las actividades y gracias a ello, mejorar futuros encuentros. 

3. Nacionalidad

1. Edad

2. Sexo


2.      Mujer

Valore los siguientes aspectos de los talleres utilizando una escala de puntuación del 1 al 4 (1 puntuación más baja y 4 puntuación más alta). Marque con una X la puntuación correspondiente.


Evalúa de 1 a 4 (1 Muy mal, 2 Mal, 3 Bien, 4 Muy bien)

Iniciativa de estos talleres


Metodología empleada

Interés de los talleres

Participación de los asistentes



Horario planteado

Atención recibida

Nos gustaría contar con tus propuestas para tener en cuenta en próximas iniciativas:
Third model
Description: Text Box: Para evaluar la calidad del proyecto es necesaria su opinión como asistente, acerca de los distintos aspectos de los talleres en los que ha participado.
Los datos aportados en el presente cuestionario son anónimos y serán utilizados, únicamente, para analizar la calidad de las actividades y gracias a ello, mejorar futuros encuentros.
El presente proyecto ha sido financiado con el apoyo de la Comisión Europea. Esta publicación (comunicación) es responsabilidad exclusiva de su autor. La Comisión no es responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información aquí difundida.
Evaluación de calidad


1. Edad

3. Nacionalidad


2. Sexo


2.      Mujer

1.            Se ha utilizado el cuerpo como espacio creativo:
SI                                  NO
2.            Se han favorecido el entendimiento mutuo entre los componentes del grupo de trabajo:
SI                                  NO
3.            Se han favorecido las dinámicas de grupo:
SI                                  NO

4.            Se ha hablado de los límites como componente de las relaciones:
SI                                  NO
5.            Ha habido momentos de desequilibrio en el grupo:
SI                                  NO
6.            Se ha fomentado la creatividad personal:
SI                                  NO
7.            Se ha fomentado la creatividad en el grupo:
SI                                  NO
8.            Se ha fomentado el respeto:
SI                                  NO